Container Overview
This document provides an overview of the containers that make up Context1.
A container represents an independently deployable software unit within the system, such as web applications, APIs, databases, or message brokers.
The purpose of this Container Overview is to:
- Define the key containers in this context.
- Explain their roles and interactions within the system.
- Provide a high-level architectural view before diving into individual container details.
Containers in Context1
The following containers are included in this context:
- Container 3: [Brief description of its function]
- Container 4: [Brief description of its function]
- … (Add more containers as needed)
Each container may have multiple components inside it, which will be detailed separately in their respective sections.
Example: Internet Banking System Containers
title Container diagram for Internet Banking System
System_Ext(email_system, "E-Mail System", "The internal Microsoft Exchange system", $tags="v1.0")
Person(customer, Customer, "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts", $tags="v1.0")
Container_Boundary(c1, "Internet Banking") {
Container(spa, "Single-Page App", "JavaScript, Angular", "Provides all the Internet banking functionality to customers via their web browser")
Container_Ext(mobile_app, "Mobile App", "C#, Xamarin", "Provides a limited subset of the Internet banking functionality to customers via their mobile device")
Container(web_app, "Web Application", "Java, Spring MVC", "Delivers the static content and the Internet banking SPA")
ContainerDb(database, "Database", "SQL Database", "Stores user registration information, hashed auth credentials, access logs, etc.")
ContainerDb_Ext(backend_api, "API Application", "Java, Docker Container", "Provides Internet banking functionality via API")
System_Ext(banking_system, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.")
Rel(customer, web_app, "Uses", "HTTPS")
UpdateRelStyle(customer, web_app, $offsetY="60", $offsetX="90")
Rel(customer, spa, "Uses", "HTTPS")
UpdateRelStyle(customer, spa, $offsetY="-40")
Rel(customer, mobile_app, "Uses")
UpdateRelStyle(customer, mobile_app, $offsetY="-30")
Rel(web_app, spa, "Delivers")
UpdateRelStyle(web_app, spa, $offsetX="130")
Rel(spa, backend_api, "Uses", "async, JSON/HTTPS")
Rel(mobile_app, backend_api, "Uses", "async, JSON/HTTPS")
Rel_Back(database, backend_api, "Reads from and writes to", "sync, JDBC")
Rel(email_system, customer, "Sends e-mails to")
UpdateRelStyle(email_system, customer, $offsetX="-45")
Rel(backend_api, email_system, "Sends e-mails using", "sync, SMTP")
UpdateRelStyle(backend_api, email_system, $offsetY="-60")
Rel(backend_api, banking_system, "Uses", "sync/async, XML/HTTPS")
UpdateRelStyle(backend_api, banking_system, $offsetY="-50", $offsetX="-140")